Tenali Rama and Kali Maa

Tenali Ramakrishna belonged to the village Tenali in south India. He was a naughty boy from his childhood. He paid little attention to his studies and was happy to avoid school. His mother was very much worried with his constant mischief.

One day, a great sage paid a visit to Tenali Rama’s village.  Everyone in the village went to the sage to for his blessings. So, Tenali Rama’s mother took him to the sage. Looking at Tenali Rama that sage predicted that he would become a great poet in the future.

The sage told him, “Rama, listen carefully. Now, I will teach you a mantra of Maha Kali. Chant this mantra for 1,008 times with devotion in the goddess Kali temple on the outskirts of the village. Then Ma Kali would appear before you and grant your wishes.”

The next morning, Rama went to the goddess Kali temple in the outskirts of the village. He sat in front of the idol with his eyes closed. With utmost devotion and faith he started chanting the mantra for 1,008 times. He suddenly heard a voice calling him, “Rama, Rama.”

Tenali Rama opened his eyes. He saw goddess Kali stood in front of him with  1,000 heads and multiple arms.  Immediately, Tenali Rama began to laugh uncontrollably. Puzzled to this, the goddess Kali asked, “Rama, Why are you laughing and What is so funny around here?” 

Tenali Rama controlled himself and apologized for his behaviour. He then said, “Oh, Ma Kali. I was imaging what would happen if you catch a cold and sneezing with all your thousand noses.” 

Though Tenali Rama’s behaviour first annoyed Her, but she also started laughing at his joke when she understood that. She said, “Rama, I’m here to fulfil your wishes. Look here! I have two bowls of milk in my hands. One bowl has sweet milk. Upon drinking that sweet milk, you would acquire tremendous knowledge and will become a great scholar of the world. The other bowl has curd in it. Upon drinking that would give you wealth, and you will become rich. But you have to choose only one bowl. So think carefully and select one.” 

Rama thought a while and asked, “Ma, may I please taste both of them  before deciding which bowl to select?”. The goddess agreed and gave both the bowls to Rama. Inspite of drinking one bowl of milk, he mixed both of them and drank quickly even before the goddess realized what was he actually doing.

Goddess Kali became ferocious and cursed him. She said” You disobeyed my words. I told you to drink only one bowl, but you drank both. So you will become a funny poet!!”

Rama bowed and started praying and praising her in multiple ways. On noticing that the Goddess has cooled down, he said:  “Ma Kali, I am sorry  for what I did. I know it is wrong. But what is the use of knowledge without wealth, or wealth without knowledge? Please forgive me.”

Kali Ma was very much impressed by his sharp thinking and intelligence. She blessed him by saying that he would become a great poet with wit.  She also said that he would become popular in future  as Vikatakavi, means a witty poet.