Why do we chant AUM

It is not exaggeration to say almost all hindu rituals and traditions have some scientific reason behind them. If we observe them carefully these traditions lead to physical, mental and social well-being of human beings. Being healthy physically, mentally and socially is considered as positive health.Positive health is required to lead healthy and happy life. Great Indian sages and yogis who understood this fact well ages ago.

Most of Indian rituals, poojas, yagnas, yoga classes, spiritual classes start with chanting “AUM”. AUM is also called as pranavam or Omkaaram. According to Hindu puranas, AUM is a cosmic sound that is believed as the first sound emerged in the universe.

The most popular misconception about “AUM” is that it is something religious. But it is the most universal sound that neither refers any particular religion nor any God. 

Significance of AUM

AUM has some interesting scientific and practical explanation. It is based on sound, vibrations and resonance. It was scientifically proven that AUM is a wave form and also it is made up of 3 syllables.In its most rudimentary form, AUM is made of three syllables ‘Aa’,’Uu’,Mm’. These three syllables can produce different vibration patterns in the body when they are chanted .One can personally experience this by observing themselves while chanting AUM.

For example,by chanting

  • “aaaaaaa” —  creates vibrations and resonates with abdomen and chest regions.
  • “ooooo”—- creates sensations in throat and chest region and resonates with them.
  • “mmmm”— creates vibrations and resonates with the nasal cavity skull/brain regions.

When we chant all these three syllables together i.e., chanting AUM , sequentially activates the stomach, spinal cord, throat, nasal and brain regions. The energy moves from the abdomen all the way up to the brain, thereby channelizing energy and activating the spinal cord & brain.

Benefits of Chanting AUM

One of the most popular claims made by Yogis is that chanting AUM improves our concentration, gives peace and steadiness to our mind, reduces mental stress and clears all worldly thoughts. Although those who practice it regularly experienced it and affirmed the same, scientists were curious to find out more about it. Hence they are conducting many experiments to verify such claims with the help of science & technology.

Scientific research on “Regular AUM chanting” has shown that it can improve concentration levels and reduce stress. Recent findings in medical field confirmed that it can treat depression,epilepsy and can even lower blood pressure.Another research revealed that chanting OM can even alter genes for better well-being!!

Hence, based on scientific experiments & research studies, we can now confirm the age old claims made by Yogis that chanting OM reduces mental stress, cures depression, improves focus & concentration, calms the mind and leads to better well-being, peace & happiness.