Significance of Mango leaves Toran in Indian traditions

In India, it is a very common practice to beautifully decorate the entrances of houses, temples, shops with dark green leaves, especially mango leaves toran during a festival or function. These dark green leaf torans will definitely be pleasant on eyes and fill surroundings with positivity.

Neem leaves, Asoka leaves and even banana stem with leaves are also used to decorate entrances in different places of India. This is according to seasons and availability of those leaves. But mango leaves are more popularly used throughout India. Mango leaves are tied to a rope or thread and the door entrance is decorated with this. This mala of mango leaves is commonly known as “Toranam or Toran”.

Decorating main door entrances with mango leaves toran is considered extremely auspicious. Green torans fill our surroundings with positivity and and keep negative energy at a bay. Leaf torans are significant from vedic times. Their importance is mentioned in many puranas.

The mango tree and its leaves are said to be the residence of Goddess like Lakshmi, Govardhan and the God of fertility.

Scientific reason behind Mango leaves toran

These leaf torans are considered just as a part of tradition. But they also actually have a scientific backing.

The toran is made with fresh dark green mango leaves. These green leaves have the ability to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. This purifies the air around us. It also helps in keeping the surrounding atmosphere clean and fresh. These fresh green leaves can still continue photosynthesis. When leaf dries out, it cannot continue  photosynthesis. The darker the leaf, the longer time it can photosynthesise. It can also act as insect repellent.

Also, the colour green is refreshing and soothing. It helps to lower our anxiety. Having a green leaf toran at entrance relaxes you as soon as you get home.

It is a common practice to apply turmeric paste or haldi on the door frame of the house. Turmeric is well known for its anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties.While green leaves purifies the air,the turmeric applied around the door stops bacteria and other insects from entering the house.